about me

index about me my goals buttons!

About me:
Tldr: no words just barks
I tried doing this after seeing all the nice pages 
created by other ppl and i really dun like how this turned out
i can't even do THIS by myself, used that chatgpt too
By now i already know I'm not good at anything
i cant do math
i cant do physics
i cant integrate for the hell of it or understand how economics work
and i know if i continue on i wont make it anywhere in life
Prelims are in what, 3 or 4 days and all i've been doing is 
continuing with my current lifestyle: 
using the web for random shi, watching youtube, playing games
well i'm effed
I think my parents do not really like my presence too
I feel bad
I truly am effed
Please refer to goals now

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